Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Would Be Brave

The fourth line of the Ragger’s Creed is “I would be brave, for there is much to dare.”

Brave is defined: "the brave have always defined what the rest of us wish to be. but bravery is misunderstood. it is not the absence of fear, but the will to over come it."

When I think of brave in regards to the Ragger’s Creed I think of several things. First, I think that it is brave of each person that challenges him or her self with a Rag and setting goals. It is brave to step out of you comfort zone and try new things. For me, I feel I have learned to push myself in life through my work with Raggers. For example, right now I am campaigning for election to my local School Board. This is a large step for me and something that really puts me out there publicly as I would be an elected public official – SCARY! For students, you might choose to run for School counsel, try out for a team, learn a new craft / hobby or just reach out to someone as a potential new friend. Being brave is just pushing yourself to reach for more and outside your self. I don’t think that it pertains to being “brave” as in “cool” or doing things that are not healthy or wise. Like doing drugs, driving recklessly or doing something that goes against your values.

One camp dad, Stuart, described an awesome tool for being brave. He said to use a 1 - 10 scale to determine how much fear you have for doing something, 10 being VERY fearful. Then you challenge yourself to be brave and "do you 10" meaning pushing yourself to do things that you are afraid of. So for me, high ropes is a major 10! I am not a fan of heights. So for me to climb to the top of the cat walk or zip down the zip line, that is me doing my 10". What can you challenge yourself with today? Remember, you may not always succeed, but just pushing through and being brave is AWESOME!

Remember-Youth Empowerment Retreat (click and look for tan box) is coming up December 10, 2010! Sign up today and take this time to renew your Rag goals at camp. Hey Hey CFA-stay pure, stay true, stay strong, stay brave and stay CFA.

I would be true, for there are those that trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care;
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.

In the Spirit of Camp,


1 comment:

  1. half way through the Ragger's Creed! How are you goals going?
